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solve your back problems
A warm welcome!
My name is Stephan Gabriel. I am a back healer and spine specialist specialising in energetic spinal healing.
Even the smallest vertebral displacement, often caused by physical strain or stress, can lead to permanent problems. Our central nervous system, which is located in the spine, can send false impulses to the organs (connected via the nerve pathways) through bruising. This can be the cause of many diseases.
Many of my patients suffer from a slipped disc, lumbago, sciatica, chronic neck tension, shoulder pain, stress symptoms or have already had spinal surgery. Most patients also come with an unbalanced posture as well as a shoulder misalignment and / or pelvic misalignment.
The energetic spinal alignment with correction of shoulder misalignment, pelvic misalignment and leg length correction can provide high-quality and effective help here. Here are some results of my initial treatment:
All photos were taken before and after the initial treatment, with a time interval of about 30 minutes.
Physical blockages that (can) lead to illnesses can be released by me through spinal straightening in a single session.
Depending on the severity and duration of the previous illness in the body, a maximum of two follow-up treatments are usually necessary to achieve the individually optimal possible final result. The straightening enables most bodies to say goodbye to various relieving postures and malpositions in the following weeks.
Most patients have a visibly optimised posture after the treatment and report a liberated body feeling.
The results of the treatment are documented in writing and in pictures immediately before and after in written and pictorial form:
By the way: A companion can be brought along to every straightening treatment, who can watch the treatment and check the results achieved directly after the treatment.
Spinal uprighting is in no way in competition with the important work of orthopaedists, chiropractors, osteopaths and physiotherapists.
Rather, my treatment is an enriching addition / alternative for patients. That is why I also cooperate with the above-mentioned professional groups, because it is all about you and the best possible help for your body.
Korrektur extreme Schonhaltung der Schulterblätter & Wirbelsäulenverlauf (1. Behandlung)
Beinlängenausgleich 2,5 cm (1. Behandlung)
Korrektur extreme Schonhaltung der Schulterblätter & Wirbelsäulenverlauf (1. Behandlung)
Patient voices
"Thank you so much for this incredible treatment, I was instantly hooked. Came with back pain and tension and left feeling liberated."
Claudia S.
"A first session (...) resulted in considerable improvement. The spine became straighter, the different leg lengths aligned. The second session yesterday (...) cured me almost completely."
Bernd Z.
"I have been suffering from severe back pain for 15 years. These are hardly noticeable after just one appointment. Absolutely recommended!"
Klarissa R.
Make your treatment appointment now.
Call us or write us a message to make your personal treatment appointment.
Schloss Garath
Garather Schlossallee 19
40595 Düsseldorf
+49 (0) 211 9708175